Create geological model and drillhole from sections

This is to extract points from geological model defined in sections (dxf files) We also generate drillhole data. The section must be difined as dxf section with layers properly defined:

Note that we could do geological interpretation in 2d with snapping if get point in line with same coordinates of drillhole intersects.

In [1]:
# import modules
import pygslib
import ezdxf
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

Here we extract data from the dxf sections. We basically extract points from the lines and we asign it to its corresponding object, defined by the dxf 'layer'.

In [2]:
# get sections in dxf format, the sufix is the N coordinate (for now only for EW sections)
N = [-10, 0,50,100,150,200, 210]
s = {'x':[],  # noth coordinates of the sections
pl_id = -1
for y in N:
    dwg = ezdxf.readfile('S_{}.dxf'.format(y))
    msp= dwg.modelspace()
    for e in msp.query('LWPOLYLINE'):
        p = e.get_rstrip_points()
        if e.dxfattribs()['layer']=='dhole':
            aid = int(pl_id)
            aid = None        
        for j in p:

print (S['layer'].unique())

['bbox' 'topo' 'fw' 'hw' 'dhole']

Generate working region

For this to work we need to define a bounding box. We will generate surfaces that have the same size or extend outside the box, otherwise we may get non expected results when we work with open surfaces

In [3]:
# define working region 
xorg = -10.
yorg = -10.
zorg = -10.
dx = 5.
dy = 5.
dz = 5.
nx = 40
ny = 44
nz = 36

Generate solids

To generate solids, asuming we have stratigraphic units with contact surfaces that may be modeled indivicually, we defined surfaces interpolating in a 2D grid and optionally snapping points with known coordinates in 3D.

The surfaces are then used to cut the region to obtain individual closed solids.

In [4]:
# get points defining each surface 
hw_p = S.loc[S['layer']=='hw',['x','y','z']]
fw_p = S.loc[S['layer']=='fw',['x','y','z']]
topo_p = S.loc[S['layer']=='topo',['x','y','z']]

In [5]:
# generate vtk open surfaces
topo,x_topo,y_topo,z_topo = pygslib.vtktools.rbfinterpolate(x=topo_p['x'].values.astype('float'),
                                       xorg=xorg, yorg=yorg,dx=dx,dy=dy,nx=nx,ny=ny,
                                       snap = False)

hw,x_hw,y_hw,z_hw  = pygslib.vtktools.rbfinterpolate(  x=hw_p['x'].values.astype('float'),
                                       xorg=xorg, yorg=yorg,dx=dx,dy=dy,nx=nx,ny=ny,
                                       snap = False)

fw,x_fw,y_fw,z_fw = pygslib.vtktools.rbfinterpolate(  x=fw_p['x'].values.astype('float'),
                                       xorg=xorg, yorg=yorg,dx=dx,dy=dy,nx=nx,ny=ny,
                                       snap = False)

# save the open surfaces
pygslib.vtktools.SavePolydata(topo, 'topo')
pygslib.vtktools.SavePolydata(hw, 'hw')
pygslib.vtktools.SavePolydata(fw, 'fw')

By now we have surfaces that can be used for modeling, but you will get the best performance and number of octions with closed surfaces

To generate solids we define implicit surfaces from surfaces and we cut the region using implisit surfaces. Note that implisit surfaces cluould be used to select points (drillholes and block centroids) but will not allow you to easily calculate proportion of blocks inside a given domain.

Implisit surfaces require consistent normals to determine inside or outside and sign of distances. The function pygslib.vtktools.implicit_surface() will update/calculate the normals. You can use the function pygslib.vtktools.calculate_normals() to invert the inside or outside direction of solids.

The behaviour of implisit surfaces can be changed by manipulating the normals manually and setting update_normals==False in the function pygslib.vtktools.implicit_surface()

In [6]:
# create implicit surfaces
impl_topo = pygslib.vtktools.implicit_surface(topo)
impl_hw = pygslib.vtktools.implicit_surface(hw)
impl_fw = pygslib.vtktools.implicit_surface(fw)

In [7]:
# this is a grid (a box, we cut to generate geology). We can generate a grid ot tetras with surface point included to emulate snapping 
region = pygslib.vtktools.define_region_grid(xorg, yorg, zorg, dx/2, dy/2,  dz/4, nx*2, ny*2, nz*4) #, snapping_points = [topo,hw,fw])
pygslib.vtktools.SaveUnstructuredGrid(region, "region")

In [8]:
# evaluate surfaces
#below topo
region,topo_d = pygslib.vtktools.evaluate_region(region, implicit_func = impl_topo, func_name='topo_d', invert=False, capt = -10000)
#above hanging wall
region, hw_u = pygslib.vtktools.evaluate_region(region, implicit_func = impl_hw, func_name='hw_u', invert=True, capt = -10000)
#below hanging wall
region, hw_d = pygslib.vtktools.evaluate_region(region, implicit_func = impl_hw, func_name='hw_d', invert=False, capt = -10000)
#above footwall
region, fw_u = pygslib.vtktools.evaluate_region(region, implicit_func = impl_fw, func_name='fw_u', invert=True, capt = -10000)
#below footwall
region, fw_d = pygslib.vtktools.evaluate_region(region, implicit_func = impl_fw, func_name='fw_d', invert=False, capt = -10000)

# create intersection between hanging wall and foot wall
dom1= np.minimum(hw_d, fw_u)
region = pygslib.vtktools.set_region_field(region, dom1, 'dom1')
# extract surface
dom1_poly = pygslib.vtktools.extract_surface(region,'dom1')
# Save surface
pygslib.vtktools.SavePolydata(dom1_poly, 'dom1')

# create intersection between topo and hanging wall
dom_topo= np.minimum(topo_d, hw_u)
region = pygslib.vtktools.set_region_field(region, dom_topo, 'dom_topo')
# extract surface
dom_topo_poly = pygslib.vtktools.extract_surface(region,'dom_topo')
# Save surface
pygslib.vtktools.SavePolydata(dom_topo_poly, 'dom_topo')

# not boolean required below fw
# extract surface
dom_fw_poly = pygslib.vtktools.extract_surface(region,'fw_d')
# Save surface
pygslib.vtktools.SavePolydata(dom_fw_poly, 'dom_fw')

C:\Users\AMartinez\AppData\Local\Continuum\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\vtk\util\ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `complex` to `np.complexfloating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.complex128 == np.dtype(complex).type`.
  assert not numpy.issubdtype(z.dtype, complex), \

by now we have a geological model defined with solids

Generate drillhole data

Now we extract drillhole traces from dxf files to:

  • generate drillhole tables
  • from tables generate drillhole object
  • then we split drillhole data ('composite') and label drillhole intervals with Domain 1 (between hanging and footwall surfaces)

In [9]:
# generate table collar from dxf traces
tcollar = {}
tcollar['BHID'] = S.loc[S['layer']=='dhole','id'].unique()
tcollar['XCOLLAR'] = S.loc[S['layer']=='dhole',['x','id']].groupby('id').first().values.ravel().astype(float)
tcollar['YCOLLAR'] = S.loc[S['layer']=='dhole',['y','id']].groupby('id').first().values.ravel().astype(float)
tcollar['ZCOLLAR'] = S.loc[S['layer']=='dhole',['z','id']].groupby('id').first().values.ravel().astype(float)
collar = pd.DataFrame(tcollar)

In [10]:
# generate table survey from dxf traces
tsurvey = {'BHID':[], 'AT':[], 'DIP':[], 'AZ':[]}
for i in collar['BHID']:
    h = S.loc[(S['layer']=='dhole') & (S['id']==i),['x','y','z']].values
    x= h[1][0]-h[0][0]
    y= h[1][1]-h[0][1]
    z= h[1][2]-h[0][2]
    az,dip = pygslib.drillhole.cart2ang(x/d0,y/d0,z/d0)
    # add first interval
    for j in range(1,h.shape[0]):        
        x= h[j][0]-h[j-1][0]
        y= h[j][1]-h[j-1][1]
        z= h[j][2]-h[j-1][2]
        az,dip = pygslib.drillhole.cart2ang(x/d,y/d,z/d)
        d0 = d+d0
survey = pd.DataFrame(tsurvey)

In [11]:
# generate 'LENGTH' field of collar from table of surveys
collar['LENGTH'] = 0
for i in collar['BHID']:
    collar.loc[collar['BHID']==i, 'LENGTH'] = survey.groupby('BHID')['AT'].max()[i]

In [12]:
# generate a dum assay table
assay = pd.DataFrame({'BHID':collar['BHID'],'TO':collar['LENGTH']})
assay['FROM'] = 0

In [13]:
# generate drillhole object
collar['BHID'] = collar['BHID'].values.astype('str')
survey['BHID'] = survey['BHID'].values.astype('str')
assay['BHID'] = assay['BHID'].values.astype('str')
assay['DUM'] = 0.

dhole = pygslib.drillhole.Drillhole(collar,survey)

In [14]:
# add assay table
dhole.addtable(assay, 'assay')

In [15]:
# validate results

In [16]:
# composite. This is normaly completed after tagging but we need small intervals here to emulate real assay table
dhole.downh_composite(table_name='assay',variable_name='DUM', new_table_name='cmp',cint = 1)

In [17]:
# desurvey and export
dhole.desurvey(table_name='cmp', endpoints=True, warns=True)

C:\Users\AMartinez\AppData\Local\Continuum\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\vtk\util\ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `complex` to `np.complexfloating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.complex128 == np.dtype(complex).type`.
  assert not numpy.issubdtype(z.dtype, complex), \

Tag drillholes with domain code

There are two main ways here:

  • tagging samples using implicit functions with surfaces
  • tagging samples using implicit functions with solids

The easiest is using solids.

In both cases we evaluate the distance between a point and a surface using the function pygslib.vtktools.evaluate_implicit_points(). The output of this function is a signed distance, where sign indicates:

  • negative: the point is inside or above
  • positive: the point is outside or below
  • zero: the point is in the surface

The samples between two surfaces can be selected by evaluating the points with the two implicit surfaces and doing boolean operation with signed values

In [18]:
# tag using surfaces 
dhole.table['cmp']['dist_hw'] = pygslib.vtktools.evaluate_implicit_points(implicit_mesh=impl_hw, 

dhole.table['cmp']['dist_fw'] = pygslib.vtktools.evaluate_implicit_points(implicit_mesh=impl_fw, 
dhole.table['cmp']['D1_surf'] = np.round((dhole.table['cmp']['dist_fw']+dhole.table['cmp']['dist_hw'])/2) 

C:\Users\AMartinez\AppData\Local\Continuum\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\vtk\util\ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `complex` to `np.complexfloating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.complex128 == np.dtype(complex).type`.
  assert not numpy.issubdtype(z.dtype, complex), \

In [19]:
# tag using solid dom1
inside1 = pygslib.vtktools.pointinsolid(dom1_poly, 

dhole.table['cmp']['D1_solid'] = inside1.astype(int)

C:\Users\AMartinez\AppData\Local\Continuum\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\vtk\util\ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `complex` to `np.complexfloating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.complex128 == np.dtype(complex).type`.
  assert not numpy.issubdtype(z.dtype, complex), \

Modeling block model

In [20]:
mod = pygslib.blockmodel.Blockmodel(xorg=xorg, yorg=yorg, zorg=zorg, dx=dx*2,dy=dy*2,  dz=dz*2, nx=nx/2, ny=ny/2, nz=nz/2)

C:\Users\AMartinez\AppData\Local\Continuum\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\vtk\util\ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `complex` to `np.complexfloating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.complex128 == np.dtype(complex).type`.
  assert not numpy.issubdtype(z.dtype, complex), \

when blocks are too large cmpared to solid resolution this algorithm fails, and require refinement

In [21]:
mod = pygslib.blockmodel.Blockmodel(xorg=xorg, yorg=yorg, zorg=zorg, dx=dx,dy=dy,  dz=dz/2, nx=nx, ny=ny, nz=nz*2)

C:\Users\AMartinez\AppData\Local\Continuum\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\vtk\util\ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `complex` to `np.complexfloating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.complex128 == np.dtype(complex).type`.
  assert not numpy.issubdtype(z.dtype, complex), \

working with smaller blocks fix this problem

Simulated Au grades in fine grid

In [22]:
# block model definition of xorg is for the corner of the block. To aline this with GSLIB grids use xorg-dx/2
sim_grid = pygslib.blockmodel.Blockmodel(xorg=xorg, yorg=yorg, zorg=zorg, 
                                         dx=dx/5,dy=dy/5,  dz=dz/5, nx=nx*5, ny=ny*5, nz=nz*5)


In [23]:
print (sim_grid.xorg, sim_grid.yorg, sim_grid.zorg)
print (sim_grid.nx, sim_grid.ny,
print (sim_grid.dx, sim_grid.dy,

-10.0 -10.0 -10.0
200 220 180
1.0 1.0 1.0

In [24]:
import subprocess'echo sgsim.par | c:\gslib\sgsim.exe',shell=True)


In [25]:
sim_grid.bmtable['sim1'] = np.exp(sim1['value'].values)*sim_grid.bmtable['__in'].values # to emulate Au grade with lognormal distribution

C:\Users\AMartinez\AppData\Local\Continuum\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\vtk\util\ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `complex` to `np.complexfloating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.complex128 == np.dtype(complex).type`.
  assert not numpy.issubdtype(z.dtype, complex), \

Assigning grade to drillholes

In [26]:
# we migrate block data to points within blocks

In [27]:

C:\Users\AMartinez\AppData\Local\Continuum\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\vtk\util\ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `complex` to `np.complexfloating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.complex128 == np.dtype(complex).type`.
  assert not numpy.issubdtype(z.dtype, complex), \

In [28]:
dhole.collar.to_csv('collar.csv', index = False)
dhole.survey.to_csv('survey.csv', index = False)
dhole.table['cmp'].to_csv('assay.csv', index = False)

In [ ]: